Flexible benefits

Not everyone is happy with a bicycle or gym membership. Offer a flexible,
tax-advantaged benefits budget through the work-related costs scheme (WKR). In one click you create a modern, inclusive program that suits every employee, regardless of location or life stage.

These budgets are tax-free and offer several choices in the benefits marketplace.
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Keep a grip on the available work-related costs scheme (WKR) budget

Make optimal use of the WKR

The free space (WKR budget) is the percentage of the total fiscal wage that you may spend for this purpose. In 2024, this percentage is 1.92% on the first €400,000 of the total wage sum of your staff and 1.18% on the remaining wage sum.

Enjoy tax advantage

Set a benefits budget

Flexible employment conditions enable employees to assemble their package based on their life stage and needs. This ensures a fairer perceived value of the total benefits package. Higher employee engagement is achieved by making the benefits package more flexible.

Largest offer for individual choice budget

Flexible and diverse benefits offerings

As an employer, you make a selection from our range of 250 providers from which employees can then choose. In addition to freedom of choice, the employee enjoys a tax and collective benefit.

In case an employee can’t find specific benefits that suit their needs, they can still use their budget at, for example, the local tennis club and declare this via the app.

In this way we offer maximum flexibility to employees, so you as an employer enjoy maximum appreciation.

Enjoy tax advantages

Savings for both employer and employee

As an employer, you benefit from a 20% tax advantage on social charges. Employees can enjoy savings of at least 40% thanks to fiscal and collective benefits. All of this is possible within and outside the WKR (Work-related Costs Scheme).

Our impact


Employer savings


Employee tax advantage


Collective advantage on benefits

Additional features highlighted

Flexible benefits

What are flexible benefits?
Through the flexible benefits module, your employees gain access to the entire Alleo marketplace of benefit partners, ranging from gyms and meal kits to childcare or education. As an employer, you facilitate a budget that can be spent on this marketplace. This budget can be a net contribution, or the employee can exchange gross/net salary with tax advantages.

Good to know: to allow your employees to use subscription services (such as the gym), a fixed monthly budget is required. This can start from as little as £10 per employee per month.
What impact does offering flexible benefits have on the WKR (work-related costs scheme)?
The benefits budget can be offered in two ways: as a net contribution or as a gross/net salary exchange. In both cases, the budget counts against the discretionary margin of the work-related costs scheme (WKR). However, with the exchange option, there are no additional budget costs for you as an employer, and you even save 20% on the exchanged amount since no employer charges are paid on this portion. Would you like to know more about the WKR or estimate your available discretionary margin? Read about it in this article.
How does Alleo handle targeted exemptions?
Some benefit expenditures are exempt, such as those related to personal development. This means that these costs fall outside the work-related costs scheme and can be treated as regular business expenses. In Alleo, it is possible to offer a budget specifically for Personal Development, in addition to a general benefits budget, which can only be spent on benefits within this category.

Alleo itemizes these costs in the invoicing, making it clear what should and should not be accounted for within the WKR. This gives you full control over the WKR.
What is the benefit for my employees of using flexible benefits through Alleo?
Imagine an employee signing up for a gym membership through Alleo. Firstly, employees benefit from collective discounts. A gym membership via Alleo is typically 10% cheaper than if you were to contract directly with the provider.

Additionally, the employee pays (a part of) the monthly membership costs from their budget, which is either fully covered by the employer or paid through a salary exchange. In the case of a salary exchange, the employee receives a gross/net tax advantage of 40% or more. The combination of the budget and the collective discount is therefore very advantageous for the employee. Moreover, it doesn’t have to cost you as an employer anything if salary exchange is chosen. On the contrary, it results in a 20% savings on employer costs on the exchanged salary.
Can I still offer this if I have no WKR discretionary margin?
You will still owe a final tax charge of 80% on the portion that is offered tax-efficiently outside the WKR. However, if you offer this through a salary exchange, you can still save 18% on social security contributions, so you actually end up paying only 62% in final tax.

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