Alleo for the hospitality industry

One flexible benefits platform to reward your team

Discover how Alleo helps you

Employees are the new guests. This highlights one of the challenges in the hospitality industry: remaining attractive as an employer. With a wide range of contract types - from interns and students to part-time and full-time employees - it is essential to offer benefits that are flexible and personalised.
However, the current benefits offerings are often limited and not in line with the needs of the modern employee.

Invest in happy employees

Satisfaction and retention

With Alleo, create a work environment where employee engagement rises to over 85%. Your employees benefit from increased purchasing power through collective benefits, while Alleo does the heavy lifting, providing you with a clear overview of all expenses.

Make it personal

Engage a diverse team

The modern workforce is more diverse than ever. Alleo can help by offering a flexible range of benefits that cater to everyone, from young to old, ensuring all employees find what makes them happy. Allow every team member to choose benefits that best suit their individual needs and life stages, promoting a more inclusive and satisfying workplace.

Invest in durabililty

Happy and healthy employees

Keeping your team energised is key. As vitality varies from person to person, it's vital to offer a vitality package that caters to everyone's unique needs. From sports and healthy meals to mental health resources and options for leasing bikes—Alleo offers a variety of choices to ensure each employee can find their perfect fit. Discover how easy it is to personalise benefits with Alleo.

Employer at

“Thanks to Alleo, we can now offer flexible benefits that meet the needs of our employees, keeping us not only attractive as an employer but also ahead in our industry.”

Employer at

"Alleo allows us to offer attractive benefits to all our employees with various backgrounds and types of contracts."

Marco Lemmers
CEO en oprichter

Employer at

"After implementing Alleo, the eNPS has increased from 34 to 45. The appreciation of our benefits offering has risen from 6.4 to 6.8."

Marjan Smit
Head of People

The value for every Alleo stakeholder

Used by 100.000+ employees